Who We Are
Since 1997, Lakeside has spread the good news of Jesus Christ to Southern Maine and to the ends of the nations.
Lakeside Community Church seeks to live as a Family while Serving each other and those around us on the Mission of making disciples.
We are children of God who care for each other as a family.
We are God’s chosen people—His family—set apart to live in such a way that the world would know what He is like. Through faith in Jesus we believe we are children of God and brothers and sisters with one another. As God’s family we see it as our obligation to care personally for the needs of one another, both physically and spiritually. We disciple, nurture, and hold each other accountable to Gospel life together. We do this through regularly gathering together for celebration, consistent involvement in a DNA group, and loving others as the Father loved us. (Genesis 12:1–3; John 1:12–13; Romans 12:10–16; 1 John 4:7–21)
We are servants of Jesus who serve Him by serving others.
Fully God–fully human, Jesus took on the posture of a servant. He gave His life, even unto death, so others could experience salvation, peace, and restoration. Jesus said, “I am among you as one who serves. . . .” All those who follow Jesus are called to serve in the same humility. For us this means joyfully submitting to Jesus as Lord, to the leaders He has placed over us, and to one another as we also serve whomever God brings into our lives. We do whatever He leads us to do, whenever He tells us, and wherever He wants us to do it. (Matthew 20:25–28; 25:31–46; John 13:1–17; Philippians 2:5–11; 1 Peter 2:16)
We are sent ones empowered by the Spirit to show and share Jesus to others.
God sent Jesus to take on human form on the earth and live as the true image of God in our world. He worked, ate, and interacted among the people, living in such a way that those around him could see and experience what God was truly like. Jesus was filled with and led by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the good news of God with power and bring healing, freedom, and new life to those he served. Then, after dying on the cross for our sins, the Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus promised the same Spirit would give us power to do the same things Jesus did. All those who belong to God have the same Spirit and are missionaries sent and empowered by God’s Spirit to proclaim Jesus and show what God is like in daily life. (John 1:14; 14:12–27; 15:26–27; 16:7–15; 20:21; Acts 1:8; Colossians 1:27–29; 2 Corinthians 5:16–21)